Sabina Springenschmidt

Quantum Matrix Bali




My name is Sabina. Born and raised in Austria, I have been living on Bali for the last 11 years, happily married for over 10 years, stoked mother of twin boys.


I love Quantum Matrix because it gives me confidence in creating my own reality. I can help you be who you are and become who you can be!


I started sticking my nose into a holistic lifestyle when I was 16. Ever since then I took off on a journey that I guess I’ll always be on. Courses like NAET therapy, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Meditation, Kinesiology and of course a lot of soul-searching got me to where I am today. I learned to know who I really am and by what patterns I have been living. Stumbling over the course, it feels like the Quantum Matrix has found me rather than I found it, and it feels like I’ve never done anything else. I love witnessing the transformation in my life and the transformation in others.


My teacher, Angelika Cortolezis, studied many different ways and techniques in Quantum Matrix and she created her own way of working in the Matrix, the ACQM (Angelika Cortolezis Quantum Matrix). This is the way how I work, the techniques that I use, on myself as well as on my clients.

